Hi, I'm Yokai Dev, the one and only developer of Yokai Grill. Let's talk about how Yokai Grill is going to be made.

Yokai Grill is being developed for PC using the LibGDX framework. The reasons I'm using LibGDX are pretty simple:

  • I already know Java
  • It would be neat to make it for android too
  • It's free

While I've considered changing engine before, as the lions share of the work is actually in assets (art, animations, writing) using a language and framework I'm already familiar with will actually keep dev time shorter than if I were to spend time learning how to use game maker again, or god forbid, how to use unity for a small 2D game. Fuck that noise.

The current state of development is fairly bare bones. I would go as far as to say it's embarrassing. I could have spent more time working on game, rather than building this website, but where's the sense in that? I need a platform to talk about the game after all!

At the moment the game is a tile based grid, with a player character and NPC character that implement A* path finding, and some aseprite mock ups.

A mock up of the Restaurant Map

I guess on top of that we can get a few questions out of the way.

Why are the tits so big?

Because I like absurdly large tits.

Why is there a boy character with such a huge dong?

Because I like femboys with giant dongs.

Why is the boy character called a Yanagi "Onna"?

Because Yanagi Onna or Yanagi Baba are common enough names, and while I could have called him Yanagi Shota or something, "shota" has some baggage I would rather avoid.


Java is fine for games that don't need ridiculously high performance. LibGDX generally defaults to 60FPS, and if game does not perform to that standard on your PC, I would recommend you eat your potato instead of trying to play games on it.

Next time I post will probably be talking about art direction, monetization, or the current state of the game.

See you next time. ♥